being high
says Raphaela
keeps you relaxed
and at the same time concentrated
nothing more
then she brings a little plastic bag
with a little dried clot inside
that looks exactly like a clover blossom
and she shows you rolling paper of special length
and a filter of special weight
for a moment you think you are gonna try it
(why not)
but she puts it away
anatomy lays still
tripled in different editions
waiting patiently for you two to discuss
what happens if semen mixes with urine
stiller lays the dog
not allowed to be in the kitchen
and as still as the dog lays the rain on the darkening windowsill
outside in the light of the house
Raphaela continues:
my two best friends are gay
and they call me fatty
(it makes me defended from those who really mean it)
and they are very high every day
and they date weird strangers
who would like to cut your hair before having sex
(that’s literally what she says)
you listen to her very carefully
very quietly
very intently
and when she finally asks (pretty sudden)
whether you find it weird
the only thing you know for sure
that it is much less weird
than your own normal life
я не знаю, по мне - слабая попытка социальной философии, больше не скажу, ихь не принимаю на русскоязычном ресурсе текстов на других языках (даже на интеръязе), видимо, моя дань уважения к хохлам, которых ихь тут много троллила.
это как на просвет посмотреть, если перевести. люблю я великий и могучий, ничо уж не поделать. только вот с русского на английский еще бы ничего, получается, а вот наоборот - гиблое дело. если бы не маститые переводчики, я бы и Эдгаром По не восхищался, был разочарован когда прочел его стихи в оригинале, а как прозаик-то он гений.